Cases mentioned
- T.T.N2 de Marineros Auxiliares de Bahía de Pto. de Tocopilla v. Ministerio De Energía Case docket number 25.530-2021, ruled by the Supreme Court dated August 9, 2021.
- Sindicato Trabajadores Independientes Pescadores Artesanales v National Fisheries and Aquaculture Services and 3 others. Case docket number 34.594-2017 ruled by the Supreme Court dated May 22, 2018.
- Gallardo v Anglo American Sur S.A. Case docket number 72.198-2020 ruled by the Supreme Court dated January 18, 2021.
- Instituto Nacional de Derechos Humanos v Gobernación Provincial de Petorca. Case docket number 131.140-2020 ruled by the Supreme Court dated March 23, 2021.
For more country specific context and relevant national climate change law see:
This country report has been produced by Camilo Cornejo Martínez and Izaskun Linazasoro, C2LI Research Assistants, Hayley-Bo Dorrian-Bak, C2LI Senior Research Assistant and Gastón Medici-Colombo, C2LI Legal Analyst with the collaboration of Pilar Moraga, C2LI National Rapporteur. The summary is based on Pilar Moraga, “Climate Change Litigation in Chile: Between the Constitutional and the Environmental Jurisdiction Path” in F. Sindico and M. Moise Mbengue, Comparative Climate Change Litigation: Beyond the Usual Suspects, Springer, 2021.