Cases Mentioned
- Sachidananda Pandey v State of WB
- BALCO Employees’ Union (Regd.) v Union of India & Ors
- Ridhima Pandey v Union of India
- Minerva Mills v Union of India
- MC Mehta v Union of India
- Indian Council for Enviro-legal Action v Union of India
- MC Mehta v Union of India – Badkal lake and Surajkund case
- M.C. Mehta v Union of India – Taj Trapezium case
- Hanuman Laxman Aroskar v Union of India
- State of Himachal Pradesh v Ganesh Wood Products
- Swami Parmanand Bhatta Company v Union of India
- Outdoors Communication v PWD and Municipal Corporation of Delhi
- Vellore Citizens Welfare Forum v Union of India
- M.C. Mehta v Kamal Nath and Ors
- Research Foundation for Science Technology & National Resource Policy v Union of India and Anr
- Intellectuals Forum v State of A.P
- Vishaka v State of Rajasthan
- Manushi Sangathan Delhi v Govt. of Delhi and Ors
For more country specific context and relevant national climate change law see:
This country report has been produced by Catherine Hall, C2LI Senior Research Assistant; Lennart Wegener, C2LI Legal Analyst with the collaboration of Shibani Ghosh, C2LI National Rapporteur for India and Summet Lall, Clyde&Co. The summary is based on Shibani Gosh, “Climate Litigation in India” in F. Sindico and M. Moise Mbengue, Comparative Climate Change Litigation: Beyond the Usual Suspects, Springer, 2021.